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The Huntsville Havoc Experience

The Huntsville Havoc Experience

I admit, I’ve never been much of a sports person. In past days, you might have even caught me using words like “sportsball” and zoning out during football games. Now that I’m older and wiser, I’ve found that all I needed was to trade out the balls for hockey pucks, starting with my first game a few months ago. 

Von Braun Arena

The Huntsville Havoc

I’m sure I’m not the only odd one out in Alabama who isn’t on the football train, but not everyone is aware of the fun to be had at a local hockey game right here in Huntsville. So, what can you expect? How can you catch a game? And, maybe most importantly, who are the mascots (spoiler alert: they’re delightful). 

Huntsville Havoc Roster 2024

Before we get into the specifics of what you can expect from the Huntsville Havoc, let’s get to know our current team. This year, Dominick Procopio is captain, having led the team into this year’s playoffs. This year, Stuart Stefan is our new head coach, having stepped up from the assistant coach role and, before that, from his role as a team member from 2011 to 2018. 


As one of Huntsville’s sports teams, the Havoc has close ties with the many organizations and other teams around the city. In fact, you may even see other mascots, like the Trash Panda, make appearances on the ice! 

Rocket City Trash Pandas

Huntsville Havoc History

If you attend a game during 2024, you will probably be treated to a pre-game clip show of some of the more exciting moments in Havoc history. This year, we celebrate 20 years of Havoc, starting all the way back in 2004 when the Havoc joined the South East Hockey League following the end of the Huntsville Channel Cats. 


Since then, the Havoc has only gotten bigger and better. Over past years, the team has made it to the playoffs in several years (including this one, of course), so keep an eye out for the championships soon. The Huntsville Havoc won the playoff championships for the league in the 2009-2010, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 seasons. 

Huntsville Havoc Arena

If you want to enjoy a hockey game in the comfort of your home, the Huntsville Havoc can be found on any of your favorite screens through the FloSports app. Whether you prefer an app or a browser, you can check out their games on demand from your couch, bed, or favorite comfy chair. Of course, you might find yourself jumping and cheering, so getting too comfortable is not guaranteed. 


Of course, the best way to watch the Huntsville Havoc is live and in person. Havoc home games are played at the Von Braun Center, just past Huntsville Hospital. With a convenient parking deck next to the center, you have only a short walk to the event. Tickets are on sale on the Huntsville Havoc’s website, where you can snag tickets for a single game or season tickets for the superfans out there. Remember that they also offer premium seating for a deluxe experience and birthday packages. 

Huntsville Havoc Hockey

What to Expect from Your First Havoc Game

Maybe you’ve decided you are finally ready for your first Huntsville Havoc game, you have your tickets ready, but you have one big problem—you’ve never attended a hockey game before! 


I found myself in a similar situation not so long ago, so let’s go over a few big tips I learned during my first trips to see the Havoc. Keep these things in mind, and you’re in for a great time at your first game. 

Bring a Sweater—It Gets Chilly!

This one may sound a little obvious, but that ice rink gets downright cold, so don’t forget your cozy sweater. Just be sure you are in red and black, the team’s colors—if you forget, you can always get a cute new toboggan at the merch area downstairs. 



You can also stay warm by staying active. That includes getting to your feet to cheer for a goal, to watch a fight, or to catch a shirt (or even a kiss-cam). Personally, I wear my lucky Havoc hat to every game—that’s the main reason for their recent victories, obviously. 

Huntsville Havoc Hockey Game

Havoc’s Mascots Are the Cutest in Town

The Huntsville Havoc are represented by two red wolves named Chaos and Rukus. Cute, right? This duo keep the crowd chanting, dancing, and cheering throughout the game, and really, how could you deny those cute little faces? 

Don’t Expect Too Much Sportsmanship

One of the biggest culture shocks, as someone who has been to plenty of sports games but not hockey games, is the difference in sportsmanship—you can expect much less of it at a hockey game! Booing, chants that the other team sucks, and of course, those fights hockey is famous for, are all part of the experience. 



Just remember that it’s all in good fun! We all come together to have fun, get a little rowdy, and maybe get a good rivalry started. Besides, in a game where fights are part of the fun, a little trash talk is just as important.

Minor League Hockey Game

Check Out Their Raffles and Costume Contests

Huntsville Havoc games offer plenty of in-game entertainment when the team is on and off the ice. While the games themselves are always a riot (so to speak), you can also expect game night raffles, ticket giveaways, and even trivia. If you’re lucky, you might even win tickets to another game, or catch a shirt during an intermission!



Some of my favorite nights have been the themed nights, where you can expect themed trivia and even costume contests. For example, we made it to the Star Wars night this year and cheered along with Stormtroopers, Jedi, and at least a few Kylo Rens. Just know that some people take costume contests pretty seriously, so bring your A-game and your best costume for theme nights. 

Havoc Game

Huntsville Havoc Tickets

Thinking about snagging a ticket to the next game? Check it out, whether you’re a seasoned hockey fan or a newcomer to the Huntsville Havoc. You’ll be stepping into the latter end of a great season, and if you’ve never had the chance to cheer and chant with the crowd at a game in the Von Braun, you won’t want to miss it. Trust this former anti-sports writer, who has officially turned a new leaf and howls with the Havoc—awoo!

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