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City of Huntsville secures $21M for Holmes Avenue revamp

City of Huntsville secures $21M for Holmes Avenue revamp

A federal grant of $21.6 million will fund key safety improvements along a 3.25-mile section of Holmes Avenue, stretching from downtown to the University of Alabama in Huntsville campus.


This initiative supports the City’s goal to build a multimodal transportation network in the busy corridor, which currently lacks critical safety measures for cyclists and pedestrians. The project is also part of the City’s Vision Zero plan to eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries by 2055.


Improvements to Holmes Avenue will include designated bike lanes or multiuse paths, crosswalks, continuous ADA-compliant sidewalks, and safety striping. Traffic signalization at intersections and railroad crossings will be upgraded, along with pedestrian safety lighting and the introduction of accessible bus stops with shelters.


“This project will make the UAH corridor safer for everyone, regardless of their mode of travel,” said Mayor Tommy Battle. “This investment highlights Huntsville’s dedication to improving urban mobility and safety, while setting a standard for future infrastructure projects in the area. We are grateful to our federal partners for supporting this transformative initiative.”


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