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Pet Photos with Santa Huntsville Alabama

Pet Photos with Santa Benefitting Luna Farms Rescue

Our four-legged friends are just as much members of the family as our human family members, and as such, we sometimes find ourselves wanting to have some fun experiences with us. 


One great activity during the Christmas season is to take your pet to meet Santa. So I loaded my four-legged friend, Poppy, up in the car, and we went to check out one of the seasonal activities at Bridge Street: Pet Photos with Santa.

Pet Photos with Santa Benefitting Luna Farms Rescue

Pet Photos with Santa in Huntsville, Alabama

The photos were taken in front of Bridge Street’s 45-foot Christmas tree.


Poppy and I arrived around 2 when the photos were first beginning, and we went ahead and jumped in line. There was a great turnout there already, and plenty of pups were getting the chance to have their photo taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Luckily, the line moved quite quickly. 


When it was our turn, Poppy went to sit in Santa’s lap, and I took a few photos of her with my phone. Taking the photos on a personal phone or camera was super convenient, as I didn’t have to worry about getting a physical copy or downloading them from a website later. 

Benefitting Luna Farms Rescue

Santa was fantastic. He had on a red velvety coat, and he had a real beard. He and Mrs. Claus really looked the part. They were also both great with the pets!


Once we were able to get a few pictures of Poppy and Santa, Poppy was given a goody bag that Hollywood Feed donated. Inside the bag, Poppy received a dehydrated beef treat and a plush, squeaky toy bone. The bag was also, cleverly, a waste bag in case you needed to clean up after your pet at Bridge Street. Poppy was also given a few handmade and decorated dog treats prepared by Underdog Bakery. You can tell by the blurry tail in the photo that Poppy was a big fan of the squeaky bone. 


Then, we were able to make a donation to Luna Farms RescueThere were also candles that could be purchased, and the proceeds went towards the rescue.

Benefitting Luna Farms Rescue

Luna Farms Rescue

The icing on the cake of this opportunity is that it benefits Luna Farms Rescue. Luna Farms Rescue is a pet rescue on South Memorial Parkway in Huntsville that provides support to stray and homeless pets across the Southeastern US. They use events like these to help pay for the vet care and supplies for these precious pets. They had volunteers all around that you could talk to to find out more about the rescue, and to learn about other ways you could help the pets. 


Luna Farms removes pets from high-kill shelters and works to get their pets into loving, forever homes. They are even willing and able to transport pets across state lines to help them along in their journeys. 


They also have a spay and neuter program that is geared towards reducing overpopulation, which tends to lead to more pets being without a home


Luna Farms has a heart for senior pets, and they have a special program specifically for gray-faced friends.

Pet Photos with Santa: Things to Consider

Of course, there are some things to consider when bringing your pet to an event like this.

Bridge Street

First and foremost – it was in a very busy, public place. Parking was tough to come by, and there were loads of people and other pets there. If your pet is nervous-natured or not good with other people or pets, then you may want to pursue a different winter activity.


Additionally, there were no cats when we were there, but there was the opportunity for them to come, so if you bring your dog, make sure that it is good with cats, and if you bring your cat, make sure that the busy environment will not stress them out too much. 


This is also a very outdoor activity. We were very lucky that the weather was fair, but there is always the chance with these outdoor events that the weather may not be ideal. This event had been postponed once already! So we were super glad the weather cooperated with us today. 

Who Can be in the Photo

We didn’t know until we arrived, but the owners of the pet were allowed to be in the photo with their companions. It’s definitely a great opportunity to dress in a festive outfit and get you and your pet’s photo made with Santa. It would make a great Christmas card!

Pet Photos with Santa Huntsville Alabama

Was it Worth it?

Absolutely. Not only did the donation we made go towards a good cause, but the photo, the toy, and the treats that Poppy received made this well worth the donation and the trip. I am definitely going to be keeping my eyes on Luna Farms Rescue in the future, to attend any other fundraising activities they may have. 

Tired Pet from photos with Santa


^Poppy was very tired on the way home.

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